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Founded 178 years ago, the Bahá'í Faith is now the 2nd most widespread religion on the planet, the youngest of the world religions and one of the fastest growing. It's also among the most diverse organized bodies of people in the world with established communities in over 330 nations. With a focus on equitable justice through social and economic development, Baha'is try to help people help themselves, following the spiritual principle that every culture, ethnicity, nation, people and religion has a significant contribution to make to a much better world

We all want to live in a peaceful and prosperous world, but there are first steps to get there. We will need to recognize our relationship with our planet and care for it like the precious pearl in the cosmos that it is. No one nation can stop plastic pollution or solve the transition we all face in climate change. Science is a major tool but the method must be internationally organized, and also involve unheard voices in a search for social justice.

Baha'is work to empower marginalized people(s) like women and youth around the world - following the spiritual principle that we should help people help themselves. We strive to be of service to all humanity, as the oneness of mankind is the pivotal principle at the core of the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh. Unity comes first. Peace and prosperity follow - not vice versa.

Baha'is believe our modern era, with its momentous increase in knowledge, is a foundation for building the Kingdom of God on earth. Bahá'u'lláh taught humanity is reaching a stage of maturity, when its organic unity in a just and global civilization, will be established. This unity is not possible without diversity, because every culture, nation and people relies on its own identity in order to contribute to a world of peace.

If you have questions about the Baha'i Faith or about the Baha'i Community of Milton, see our contact information listed in the Information Directory for Halton Region at: https://search.hipinfo.info/record/MIL0079
 These Events are Open to All
- Children & Youth Programs
- Devotional Gatherings
- Discussion Groups
- Holy Day Commemorations
- Interfaith Activities
- Study Circles

There are many websites with information about the Baha'i Faith and related topics of interest to enquirers. To fnd out more about the global character of the Baha'i Faith, its history, central figures, spiritual principles, scripture and social action, please see our Links webpage

Baha'i communities often have free literature, or a library with books and media available for enquirers. To find our more about local activities, events and resources in the Baha'i  Community of Milton, see our Information webpage